
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Daniel Bible Study

I want to interrupt this week's posts on Invisible Illness Week for something else close to my heart right now. But please don't stop reading about this week or checking out the other blog posts about invisible illnesses.

Last night was my first night of a Daniel Bible study with a couple of ladies from my church who are simply a.m.a.z.i.n.g. They both lead the first ever Bible study I was in at our church and I have the utmost respect and admiration for them. {Below is a group of ladies from that first Bible study. Renee to my right is also in this one with me. The other leader I don't have a picture of. We all reconnected this summer at a weekly women's event at the church. It was sooo great to join up with these amazing, godly women all over again!}

I knew going into it that it would be life-changing and perspective-altering. And you know when it's by Beth Moore, you're going to get a good talking-to!

That's exactly what happened, and just in the first night! I'm overwhelmed by God's goodness and grace to me, and His continual pursuit of me when I've been in this valley of faith. He hasn't given up on me and I am so thankful!

Saturday I'm going to see Beth Moore live at an event near me, and I'm super excited about it! I went to one of her events last November in Springfield (IL) with my mom and stepsister, and it was absolutely incredible. So I know what to expect and I feel it could be another highlight of my year. Between that and the coming Greg Laurie crusade next weekend, I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel of my spiritual rut!

No matter what we're going through though, or how long a journey it is to the other side, the growth and learning we do during that journey will make all the difference. I'm committed to this Bible study and these events in ways I may not have been before. Because no matter how much I'm struggling, I know I need this! I know God is pursuing me! I know He will have the ultimate victory!

I'm sorting things out, but I'm not giving up. I'm not sitting on the sidelines. I'm digging in my heels and not letting Satan run me over. Now, finally, I'm able to crawl out of this tunnel... this valley... and work my way back toward God's open arms where He's been waiting lovingly and patiently for me to return!

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and emails recently. I really appreciate your encouragement and prayers! They are definitely being felt!!!

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