
Friday, November 12, 2010

Soaking Up Friendship

Last night we soaked up some time with dear friends before Leif & Katie move to Florida. She's the one I'm in denial about leaving. In the meantime, we're getting together as much as possible. Last week she & I went shopping, and she helped me pick out stuff I never would have bought for myself but now I love it {like a shirt I wore to work today that gave me handfuls of compliments, which was super encouraging for me}. She, Annemarie, and I {we all work together} all get along sooo well together, I just love it. We are going to miss her something fierce.

Given that life has been too crazy lately to do much blogging outside of just sharing oodles of pictures, here's yet another post with pics. Hopefully soon I'll be able to do more blogging but right now it's just not possible.

There was silliness

 There was some normalcy {a rarity for us 3}

There was a ton of laughter with some hilarious comedy
{Yes, I took a picture of the TV screen, thankyouverymuch}

There was good food. 
I brought this salad...

...and these brownies.
{Thankfully my coworkers ate the rest of 'em today!}

Annemarie made a nifty peach crunch cake. Katie provided the yummy baked ziti. 

And Brandon brought slews of bread from his work at Panera Catering. Yum.

The whole gang  
{Thanks to a camera self timer and hubster running 
around to jump in just before it took the pic!} :)

Our wonderful hosts. They will be sorely missed.
We've already begged for at least 3-4 visits a year for our seasonal girls shopping trips. :)

In the midst of some tough life challenges, I am incredibly thankful for good, godly, funny, you-can-always-count-on-them friendships!!

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