
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Annual Ladies Oscars Party

You know I'm behind on everything, including my Thanksgiving & Christmas posts... maybe I'll get them up in time for the 2011 holidays.


Anyway, at least this post is only almost three weeks behind. :)

Last year was my first Ladies Only Formal Oscars Party at my friend Jenni's house, but now it's officially an annual tradition.

Unfortunately over Christmas my flash broke {we're hoping to get it fixed this weekend}, so no pictures indoors with bad lighting are ever the same anymore. So this year I only have a couple of semi-decent pics, and here they are:

Last year was the first time I met these ladies, then we all saw each other again in August at host Jenni's birthday party, and then again at this year's Oscar's party. So they are becoming familiar faces and we all really enjoy hanging out! 

From the left: Candace, Meri, Stephanie, Jenni, me, & Sandee
Stephanie's baby Gavin

We had a great time laughing, eating good food themed after the best picture of the year nominees, playing bingo {and thereby wishing people would trip, cry, forget to thank their spouse in their speech, etc}, commenting on people's hair, dresses, tuxes, and of course... the dullness of James Franco's feeble co-hosting attempt. I'm really glad I went despite not getting home that night until 11:30.

Jenni, the host of the event, is one of just a couple of people I know personally {beyond blogging} who has Fibromyalgia. I'm so thankful for the chances I've had to get together with her and be able to talk openly about the ways we struggle. She has two young girls and had Fibro since before having them. I've learned a lot about the entire process of child-bearing and parenting kids through living with Fibro as a result of knowing her. She & I were both dealing with horrific pain and exhaustion the night of the party, but we are thankful to understand what each other is going through when those around us forget. We can see past each other's smiles to what's really going on underneath. {Don't get me wrong, we were genuinely happy, I'm just glad she gets me!}

And I end with the special treat of the evening - seeing Zachary Levi {our favorite actor} and Mandy Moore sing their song from the movie Tangled. Soooo great!!!


  1. Beautiful pictures Rochelle. You looked absolutely stunning!

    Love, Josh Jessie & Gisela

  2. You have lots of great friends! I always enjoy seeing all the fun you have with them:)

  3. Now that was a fun event, and you looked so pretty!
