
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hope you all had a terrific, green St. Patrick's Day!!! I'd like to share with you a bit of mine....

You all know I love to bake, so of course I had to make my infamous brownies, and leave a little green note on the top :)

My coworker Aaron loves the crust. This was just too funny not to capture. Later my friend Annemarie pointed out how it could represent "Loser". Muahahaha!

Had a great time with some of my favorite girls. These are some of my delightful female coworkers. We all get along so well, and it was super fun! First we went to Serene Teaz--this really cool tea-tasting, relaxing place in the downtown area where we work.
{L to R: Danielle, Karen, Sarah, Annemarie, Lindsay, & Angie}

Giggles galore :)

And a very full car that seats 5 technically... we had 2 extras in the trunk. It was really fun though, so please don't tell any police friends. :)
{We were safe, I promise. I'm a very good driver, and especially when I have that many people in my car!!! When I'm by myself or with people I'm really comfortable with, well, let's just say it's not always quite that way. Hubster doesn't like my driving because I'm a bit more aggressive than he is. Bah humbug. You have to be aggressive around here or you'll get run over on the interstates. Just sayin'....} 

And to wrap up our quick lunch, we swung by Caribou Coffee where all day today they were giving $2 medium drinks with a coupon. Yummmm hot chocolate!! :)

To end my perfectly delightful day, I spontaneously went with Annemarie to Culver's after work where I got a mint chip shake... and then she decided she was hungry and got dinner... and then I decided I was hungry and got dinner! After that, we drove all over our work town {where she also lives} and found some neat cemeteries, fun streets, cool houses, and places we would and wouldn't want to live. We chatted for hours and it was simply wonderful.

Back home by 8 pm to hit the cleaning like crazy! Just taking a quick breather, but gotta get back at it now. My mom & stepdad arrive tomorrow afternoon, and even though the house doesn't have to be perfect, as I've been cleaning I realize it really is good to have an excuse to get some stuff done that I've been avoiding for a while!

Goodbye winter shlump, hello spring, bring on the clean!!

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