
Friday, May 27, 2011

Fabulous Friday

This weekend we're off to my hometown to enjoy the sun, warmth, time at the lake, time with my family, perhaps fishing with my stepdad, some good grilling, time at a cemetery to remember the reason for Memorial Day, enjoying time at my hometown's Memorial Day weekend annual outdoor basketball tournament downtown, and spending precious time with my nieces.

But most importantly, we FINALLY get to meet my new nephew!!! Woohoo!!!!!! :) Joshua, here we come. I cannot wait to hold you. I may not let you go.

Unfortunately though, we'll be separated on the way back home. :( As I mentioned before, Tim's work is moving and they want them to come in on Monday to finish everything. So Tim is driving back on Sunday afternoon, and I'm returning on the train late Monday night. I always enjoy the train ride, and I'm looking forward to extra time with my family, but I am sad we'll be apart for the holiday. I can't believe his work is having them do this!

I must admit, my Thursday was a little weird. I went into the day unsure I'd make it through. I woke up feeling like I was getting the office cold or flu bug that was spreading like wildfire {and therefore pretty nervous about our trip this weekend!}. After lots of Vitamin C chugging, and practically begging the Lord for oodles of supernatural strength, I survived the day and more! My Fibro pain was so severe yesterday morning that it contributed greatly to my feeling awful as well. So I'm incredibly thankful for the ways God provided throughout the day to help push me through.

I got the privilege of hearing a good friend Rayanna speak at our work's chapel yesterday. She's on the mission field where she's been for about 7 months. She used to work with us. So it was really nice to hear an update from her and ways to be praying for her. After that, several of us lady coworkers took her out to lunch where we got to hear even more about her time overseas. It was so exciting, fun, and a great time of hanging out together!

Here's a picture of Erika, Rayanna, Annemarie, & Abigail. Not pictured are me, Kathy, & Sarah {I didn't think to take the pic until we were just about to get in the car, and K & S had already left. :(} Thanks ladies for such a great time!

After I left work {an hour late I might add, I could not get out of there tonight, so much for that vow of not working too late this week!}, I swung by Monica's to see if they needed anything given the bout of sickness that has hit them the past week. They did need some stuff so I helped out and also enjoyed some time giving attention to Parker. He's 21 months now, so unreal. To start with, I learned the previous night he'd managed to get ahold of a razor and, in wanting to mimic daddy, decided to try shaving his lip...

In the left hand corner {so the right side for him} you can see the nice, juicy red mark. We'll just say Brian had a lot of cleaning up to do! Eek! Boys will be boys, eh?! ;) 

Parker & I enjoyed sharing an amazing ice cream bar together. Brian & Monica are convinced these are the best ice cream bars ever, and I can't even remember their name! They're from overseas and are just now selling in the U.S. I think they're called Magnum or something like that. Man, it was really good! Parker loved it too! We had sweet bonding over our shared ice cream, including drippage onto my best khakis and I don't even care. The stains refused to come out tonight, and Parker was more than worth it!!! It was one of the highlights of my relationship with him, it was super sweet! :) {And these pics don't even begin to tell half the story!}

Have a Fabulous Friday & a Happy Memorial Day weekend!

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