
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Little Things

Sometimes it's just the little things in life that make all the difference.

Like when your Grandpa's visitation is starting up and the family is on edge, and the funeral home staff bring out a tray of water, cups, mints, and hand sanitizer {which immediately made me pipe up to my germaphobic brother and he came running for his first dose of it!}.

Like when you're having a rough pain day and a coworker who has been gone on her honeymoon for two weeks talks you into doing lunch even though you're not sure you can manage it, and the fresh air, conversation, laughs, talking about weddings & honeymoons end up being exactly what you need!

Like when you've already made 3 stops on the way home and you're frustrated that you need to stop again to get milk, and hubster offers to do it for you.

Like when you're physically beaten down from laundry, running amok, helping rake leaves before suddenly realizing you've overdone it, and hubster offers to finish getting the last of the laundry from the dryer.

Like when you're on empty and a dear friend sends you an encouraging email with a reminder that you're everything you need to be for that friendship and that you'll never lose them no matter how real you get, how much you aren't around, or how much you mess up.

Like when you post on Facebook that you're in excruciating pain & fatigue and people lift you up in prayer.

Like when you don't think you can take another step and you pray for God to give you the strength to carry on, and suddenly you've done more things in the past half hour than you thought possible in your condition.

Like when you acknowledge that you badly need a vacation... and remember oh yeah, you're about to go on one!!!

Like when you're freezinggggg cold and wondering if you'll run into anyone to talk to at the church's 5k run on a different campus, and suddenly your sister-in-law, brother-in-law, & 1 year old nephew show up. Ahhh.


1 comment:

  1. awesome. it's so great to see how God meets us with grace in life everyday!
