
Friday, October 28, 2011

Tim's Second 5K

This past Saturday Tim ran his second 5k this year {and ever!}. I'm so incredibly proud of him!!! He did a great job!

It all started off bright & early, and we saw a beautiful sunrise on our way to the northwestern suburbs. 

Upon arriving we met up with some friends and chatted for a bit while trying to move around enough to keep warm. Most of the runners were prepped for the run... not for standing around for 45 minutes in 38 degree weather!

Just before the race was about to start, Tim's sister, her husband Bonga, and baby Toby came. We were so excited they were there for it! Bonga is from South Africa and runs marathons all the time, so this 5k was no big deal for him. But it was still really neat that he participated, we were so glad he was there!

Bonga coming around the bend

and crossing the finish line!

Tim coming around the bend

and since his first 5k I messed up his finish line picture, he wanted me to do this one on high-speed, the camera was deciding to freak out, and it ended up being zoomed in when I didn't want it to be so my high-speed is super-close-up to his face. This was really the only good pic as he was starting to cross the finish line. :-/ I feel sooooo bad I keep screwing this up!!! 

And they're done, woohoo! :)

Toby showing off his new mad walking skillz 

Later on nearby at Tim & Kandy's mom's house

Really enjoyed hanging out with my little buddy!

Congrats again to Tim on finishing his 2nd 5k race, so very, very proud of him!!! :)

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