
Monday, August 18, 2014

8 Years Ago Yesterday - The Beginning of My Fibromyalgia Journey

It was a day like any other.

I was at work, doing my job per usual.

And then all of a sudden... what slowly began as tingling in my arm, over time developed and was later diagnosed officially as Fibromyalgia.

8 years ago yesterday {August 17}, our lives changed forever.

In 2007 - less than a year after my symptoms began
Though we will never be the same, we have learned a lot through living with chronic illness, the sacrifices it takes, the toll it takes, the ways it's made us more grateful for what we do have, and the mercy & goodness God has shown us well beyond what we could have ever imagined.

The first two years, I battled a lot of depression. It was confusing, overwhelming, and felt impossible.

Then through a series of events, God helped open my eyes and I started learning, researching, feeling better, finding better ways to deal with this illness, experimenting with a wide variety of treatments and therapies, and growing exponentially in compassion for others with chronic illnesses, cancer, etc.

I've learned to be thankful for this adventure. God is working on me every day and growing my character to be more like his. I can't imagine my life now without Fibromyaglia, and while I certainly do ask him for healing, I trust his ultimate plan for my life.

Grateful to all of you who have gone with me on this journey thus far. I greatly appreciate your prayers, thoughts, advice, support, and encouragement!!

For more on my Fibro story, go to My Fibro Story page.

Me with dear friends on our girls night in July.
I hope I look wiser and more carefree than I did 8 years ago {not just older, lol!}.

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