
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

50 People = 1 Big 1st Birthday Party

All pictures on this page are (c) 2014, Red Sweater Photography,
Used by permission. Use of these photos without consent by the photographer is prohibited. 

We wanted to throw Elijah a huge birthday party when he turned 1. It was often on our minds, with plans slowly starting in January. It was a serious undertaking--as we didn't get to celebrate his birth as much as we would have liked, and we wanted our closest family and friends to be there. We invited over 100 people, but many were traveling or had something else going on. Good thing you always know at least 1/4-1/2 won't be there because if we had 100 people I don't know what we would have done!! We knew my family would be coming in from out of town and the date that worked best for many of them was Sat, June 28th--one week after his birthday. {To see his 1st birthday day post, click here.}

A lot of people say not to bother with 1st birthdays because the child won't remember it anyway. We didn't care about that. We wanted it to be a big deal as it was important to us.

Unfortunately, just a day or two before his big party, I started getting sick. The night before his party, I was coughing enough that we decided I'd take some medicine to help me get a really good night's sleep. I wasn't sure that'd be wise since it's a medicine that makes me drowsy, but I was feeling desperate. Meanwhile, Elijah was dealing with something and was up half the night before his party. So here I am with codeine in my system, awake half the night, coughing, and somehow I'm going to make it through a big party in the next few hours while staying awake on a hot day with little sleep.

The Lord gave me some supernatural energy but I can't say I was 100% the day of his party - not by any means. The adrenaline pushed me and the Fibro flared up later. I did my best to soak up the day and enjoy the day!

We rented a park and splash pad. We had a potluck with some catering {that hubby had to go pick-up, still not my favorite plan but it was the cheapest}. We had a delicious cake from Target {it was yummy and very well done!}. Elijah had fun with friends and smashing his cake. I was loving it for the first hour or so until suddenly I felt super depleted. It was overwhelming and absolutely amazing. It was fun, and crazy, and all-over-the-place. And I wouldn't do much differently even today. Having all those people there to celebrate our son.

Our son.

It still brings tears to my eyes.

After the splash pad, I had chosen an outfit for Elijah that celebrated his being one, and I just loved it! It had a little cape that you could velcro on the back too, if you wanted. :)

We really celebrated. Splashing in water, playing on playground equipment, sharing Goldfish and juice boxes in the early morning, singing happy birthday, watching him smash his cake, eating chicken and watermelon and pasta salad and chips, taking pictures with each family before they left, and laughing at Elijah's funny antics. It was precious and perfect.


My family absolutely amazed me that day. My husband, brother, sis-in-law, their kids, my mom, my dad, and my stepdad helped load up the party supplies into different vehicles as we quickly drove the 7-ish minutes to the park to set up, and then helped unload once we were there. Someone helped take care of Elijah. We put everyone to work. They give you a half hour to set up. I needed an hour people. I think I would have felt better about the entire day if I had an hour to set up. All. my. stuff. I really went all out and it was crazy, but this was super important to me. Looking back the decorations and such were a bit much and with the windy day, we couldn't use half of them anyway.

But oh well... It was still so worth it, except for the shoving of everything into stuff below the tables, so that we weren't able to find some things when we needed them - whoops!

My incredible family:

Then Tim's mom arrived and also joined in the fun on us setting up. She helped handle random aspects of organizing the food tables, finding things that got buried under the tables in the chaos, etc. She was fantastic and I couldn't have done it without her!

When it was all over, Tim's brothers Jim & Chris and sister-in-law Sue, and Jim's two kids helped join the crew in tearing down. It was incredible. Everyone came together. We had SO much help with tear-down, which was a really good thing because we had less than 20 minutes to do it when we found out another party was right after us! Yeesh!! That was one fast tear-down.

So while we loved the park and splash pad, we weren't fans of the quick set-up and tear-down times. I understand why they think they need to do it that way but it was a bit much.

A few things accidentally got buried in our rush to leave and some cold stuff had to be thrown out the next day. But overall, everything got back home to where it needed to be... and we had way. too. much. leftover. Seriously you guys. When ordering food for 50 people, don't forget that half of them are KIDS!

**Rochelle smacks forehead**

But I digress... it was a beautiful day. Despite the heat, it was a great day for playing in the splash pad. Gratefully there was some wind or I might have melted in the 88 degree heat!

We went with a Disney Cars theme. No particular reason except that Tim & I enjoy the movie {Mator!} and I saw that Party City had a Cars themed 1st birthday party. And I wanted to go outside the norm. Some of our decorations and balloons fell as it was just too windy {sorry mom and Olivia, thanks for blowing up all those balloons anyway!}. But people got the drift.

We had favors for each child to take - they could choose one item from a basket of a variety of products I found at Party City. We had a Cars cup filled with Cars themed Smarties & lollipops for kids. We had a canvas for people to sign and give well wishes to Elijah that we plan to later put up in his room. We had a centerpiece with Dum-Dums for kids to take, and a selection of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for kids who might not want chicken.

We also had applesauce, various organic juices, water and then tea and soda for adults. Snacks were Goldfish and raisins {didn't even think through these options much, thank you Sam's Club for good bulk-buying prices!}. We ordered fried & grilled chicken from the local grocery store, had purchased potato salad & cole slaw & rolls, and had loved ones bring a veggie tray, fruit tray {which ended up being awesome fresh pineapple & watermelon!}, super salad, and a pasta salad. So great of everyone to chip in!! I just feel sooo badly we had so many leftovers!

{seriously what was I thinking?!?!} 

Well, I wanted to make sure everyone had enough food. I just didn't mean to make it crazy! Oy.


The park also had a tennis court, frisbee golf, skate park, and basketball court... but I think just my dad and nieces used the basketball court. I kept thinking it'd be great, everyone can do whatever they want... but I'm really glad everyone stayed nearby and we celebrated together in the splash pad and under the pavilion for the most part.

After the first hour and a half was over with the splash pad rental {a wonderful park district employee was there to help us shoo people away from the splash pad if they weren't in our group since it didn't open to the public until 11}, we started gathering around. It took a bit longer for hubby to get back with the food so he came at about 11:30.

Then we sang to Elijah, had him smash his cake {so people could feel freer to leave early if they wanted}, I made announcements {which I wish I'd prepared myself for, I didn't even say hi or thanks for coming, ugh, oops!}, and then Tim said a wonderful prayer over Elijah {which he'd worked hard on writing the night before and it was terrific!!}.

We were LOVING this!!!

His cake was GREAT!! Half white, half chocolate, and they gave us a free smash cake too! Thank you Target, what a blessing!

As everyone was eating, I was scurrying around, hugging people, talking, saying goodbyes, getting our pics with each family, and somewhere in there I didn't really eat much, whoops. But I didn't want to miss anything and I wanted everyone else to be sure to get something. My sweet sister-in-law Jeremi told me to sit down at one point and eat {she worries about me, love her!!} or she'd fix me a plate. I really wish I would've had her do that! By the time I was able to relax enough to eat, we needed to hurriedly tear down.

And suddenly, it was over.

All done. Everyone but family helping tear down was gone.

I couldn't believe it. Where did it go??

And yet, I was also relieved as well.

I was exhausted, sun-soaked, sick, heat-soaked, emotional, spent, had barely eaten, and really could not believe it was over. It was already a blur. So as we walked to the cars... I completely lost it.

I mean... LOST. IT.

To the point my dad actually thought I was on the verge of passing out and got a bit nervous and concerned! I had to wait a few minutes before I could drive away from the park, I was just a sobbing mess. While my poor child was falling asleep in the back before the car even started to move because he was that exhausted! Oy.

It was the culmination of a year's worth of emotions -- such a hard start, so many good things in-between, and one little blessing that we are unceasingly amazed and blown away by!! What a joy it was to celebrate!!!!

One decision we made before the party was that we would be way too distracted to take all the pictures we wanted to. To be in every place at once. To really enjoy the day AND take pictures. And while I often see life through a camera lens and perhaps didn't see moments I would have if I was seeking to take a picture of them... we decided the best thing for us was to hire a photographer.

We talked to a couple of close friends who wouldn't be able to be there that day. And then I remembered my good old friend Ellen from Bible study at church years ago was an up and coming photographer in the area. So we started chatting. And it was going to work perfectly for her to take Elijah's party pics! I was sooo excited and relieved! What a joy to not have to worry about that aspect in the midst of everything else.

Ellen from Red Sweater Photography took all of the pictures used on this page. These are HER pictures and you are not allowed to use them anywhere else, in any form, or edit them one bit. Please be respectful and only use these for viewing purposes. Thank you!! {And be sure to look into her if you live in the area and need an excellent photographer} 

Below are the remainder of pictures that I just had to share with you - fun times with dear friends, daycare friends, and family.

Elijah's favorite girl, Avery :)

Daycare buddies Caleb and Carter!

Friends Don & Sara brought their 5-week old baby {pictured earlier} and their twin boys. Elijah, Jacob, and Josiah get along great, and Jacob is really good at making Eli laugh hysterically. But today they were all kinda shy and not having it. This pic cracks me up.

Flying high with daddy!

Cousin love

I brought the photo albums I'd been able to create thus far. I had more I wanted to get done before the party, but it just got too crazy and I couldn't focus on them. People really enjoyed looking at them though, so I was really happy about that.

Tim's mom and our nephew Toby. His mom (Tim's sister), Kandy, had to work that day. :(

My Aunt Bev was able to join us from Chicago even as she bolted quickly at the end for a wedding. What a sweet gift it was to have her there!

Love this pic of the two of us. So special. I didn't even remember this moment!

Our sweet little buddy Nolan loved the cake too!

From Tim's side - nephew Sam, niece Hayley, and nephew Dan

With our beloved Gee family!

Elijah hanging with my stepsister Susan - who I regrettably wasn't able to talk to very much that day, but we were so blessed that they drove up the few hours to be with us!

Loveeee this pic with my mom! Elijah is so happy :)

It got so crazy that we didn't even get to open his presents in front of people! We had him open just a couple on the lawn for pictures, and then we had to end things! We hadn't realized the time or that a party was booked right after us, or I might have tried to do things a smidge differently. OOPS! Oh well, live and learn.

My side - Elijah with his cousins Olivia, Cayley, and Joshua

Kinda my very favorite picture - love all these kids with literally every ounce of my being! And I love how Elijah is peeking under his hat at his buddy cousin Josh!!

Such a special day and we are so grateful!!! Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us -- including those who wished they could have been there! We feel so loved, blessed, and truly grateful. What a way to celebrate our little boy, his life, and his first year!

Pictures: (c) 2014, Red Sweater Photography,
Used by permission. 
Use of these photos without consent by the photographer is prohibited. 

1 comment:

  1. Truly awesome 1 Big 1st Birthday Party. It was truly fabulous share. Well, I also want to host a grand party for my twin’s birthday but finding a theme and right event venues for a budget is extremely daunting thing. I was just wondering if anyone here can help me by sharing some tips and recommendations.
