I read this and immediately liked it. It fits so much of what I'd like to say but don't know quite how to put it into words. So thank you very much to Eudea-Mamia at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit for writing this so well. I appreciate your respect for what President Bush did accomplish during his years in office, and I admire the way in which you wrote this despite your own disagreements with him. Thank you!
Dear W.,
May I be so bold as to address you as W.?
I know once Mr. President, always Mr. President, but I feel like I've gotten to know you pretty well over the years. First as my governor, then as my Commander in Chief.
I just wanted to let you know that I cried watching you give your formal goodbyes. I'm not sure where the emotion came from - you and I certainly don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues. However, yours has been the first administration to which I have paid close attention. . . .
But you, you I have watched.
There have been many moves I questioned, but one certainty remains - I believe that the decisions you made were not taken lightly or executed with malice. You are a patriotic man, if nothing else. The Country came first.
Thank you for that. . . .
[Edited to add: And I appreciate him for his Christian values, and that he fought hard for those of us out here with similiar faith.]
You also taught me that the popularity contest must end on election night. It may take the majority to become President (or fuzzy math, depending on your point of view), but once in the Oval Office, pleasing the masses cannot be the first priority.
I hope the next administration follows suit. . . .
I would love the opportunity to thank you for your eight years of service, for the years of life you probably lost because of the weight of the world on your shoulders, and for taking on a job few Americans are willing to tackle - but are more than happy to enjoy the right to disrespect and ridicule.
Peace, Mr. President.
Now get some sleep.
~~~~~The End~~~~~
Also, if you missed President Bush's farewell speech, sadly... like me, you can watch it here.
Image credit: AP, Taken from here.
That really was well written. Thanks for posting that here. :)
You're so sweet. I appreciate that you liked the post more than you can know. I always hesitate to post "controversial" things - but then I go forward anyway.
I'm a rebel like that! ;-)
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