And I don't say that lightly.
I am truly thankful. To read more about my experience, click the My Fibro Story tab at the top. It's an ongoing story....
I never in a million years would have thought I'd say I'd be thankful for a condition like this. But I am. In part it's because I know it could be worse. Fibro affects everyone so differently and I realize I could be so much worse, or I could have cancer, or something even more painful. I'm glad I don't. And I pray for those who do.
Really it's mostly because I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without having Fibromyalgia in my life. It's not like it hasn't been a major struggle. It's not like I could do this at all on my own, I firmly believe God is carrying me and granting me grace and mercy. I am so utterly thankful for this journey. I often hope and pray that doesn't mean it'll last my entire life, but I'm okay if God chooses to allow that too (I think). Whether it's just for a season, or my lifetime, I know it has helped grow me as a person in ways I never could have otherwise. I truly believe God genuinely knows what he's doing. And despite my initial bitterness about the situation, I know he's forgiven & embraced me.
You know, prior to this happening to me, I didn't understand. I didn't know what it might be like to go through cancer and deal with horrible pain. I didn't really even know anything about chronic pain and illness. I'd never heard of Fibromyalgia before (MS, yes / Fibro, no). I've met an entire community of people who have this syndrome that I never understood before. I truly love all the people I've met, have such respect for so many of you, and deeply desire to use this gift to bring more honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. I believe that's God's true purpose for me in this. That I will grow and be molded/shaped by him as a person, and that I will allow him to complete this good work he's doing so that I can bring honor and glory to him. For after all, he is why I even get to breathe another day.
Through it all, I'm learning to trust God more. I'm learning to rely solely on him, find my peace and happiness in him alone, and be dependent on him alone. For he is my strength, my purpose, my shield. I know I'm going through this for reasons I may not fully grasp on this earth, but I know that he's got me in his strong and mighty hands.
And I'm finally okay with that.
On another note... to you newbies, a few blogging things you should know about me:
1. I love sarcasm and being witty, even if it doesn't entirely translate right onto the page.
2. While I do blog about Fibro a lot, it's not the only thing I talk about. I need an outlet for the other creative/fun sides of me, and to help cheer me up without the constant talk about Fibro. Plus too much talk about it, and I feel as though I'm complaining. So I like to keep myself in check with other things. I hope you will enjoy those things and get to know me beyond just the Fibro side of me.
3. While I absolutely love God and am not ashamed of it, those of you who don't need not worry about being criticized or judged. We may disagree, and I may talk with you about how you function in life without knowing Him as your Lord and Savior (since I've been a Christian since I was 5, I just don't understand, and I mean that in a loving/kind way), but that doesn't mean you won't be loved and appreciated around here. My only request is that you don't swear in any comments you leave, and that we all communicate lovingly, not argumentatively.
Thanks for joining or visiting! I appreciate all you blogging friends so much!
Since I dropped by I thought I'd say hi!
I wish I could say I was thankful for it you must be ahead of me in the process
Sarakastic: believe me, I've been there. There are still some hard days. I definitely don't mean to make it sound easy in any way. I hope you can find peace & thankfulness someday. I wish I could say it'll get better for sure, but only God knows. I'm here if you ever want to talk! Feel free to email me (
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