We were originally due to watch Courageous at a special preview with our Christian radio station on Wednesday 9/21, but my grandpa's visitation ended up being that day, so obviously we couldn't make it.
So we were chomping at the bit to get to the theatre to see it Friday night, but due to traffic woes we missed the showing we'd planned to go to. After a long couple of weeks, I couldn't make myself go to the late night showing. We ended up at the 1 pm showing on Saturday at the movie theatre we love, and it was in one of their biggest theatres! We were so excited, but while that theatre holds hundreds, only about 10-15 or so were there. Bummer. We really want this movie to do well so we can prove to Hollywood that family-friendly movies ARE loved & enjoyed & well-received by Americans!! {It ended up doing well, I think we just happened to be at a slow time-showing in the middle of a beautiful day....}
Unfortunately, due to a few issues {read specifics here}, Courageous is rated PG-13. It's still way more family-friendly than Hollywood-based movies, but I wanted you to be aware of this.
But trust me, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!! It was amazing!
If it means you have to drive out of your way, hire a babysitter, or reschedule something so you can get there soon - do it. You will not regret it.
Courageous is brought to you by the same people who wrote, produced, and directed Facing the Giants and Fireproof. It's evident throughout that the moviemakers at Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, stay true to their convictions and the Gospel.
They continue to improve on their cinematography, directing, and acting skills. The main two lead actors are incredible - both of them are real-life pastors at this church, and they've both grown in their acting skills since the previous movies. There are a couple of scenes where the lack of acting and direction is evident, but for volunteers I still think they do an amazing job! Granted, I realize this would drive my friend Brian absolutely bonkers, but I still think he should go see it {ahem... hint, hint B}!!!
Plot summary:
Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, they face danger every day. Yet when tragedy strikes close to home, these fathers are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, and their faith. From this struggle will come a decision that changes all of their lives. With action, drama, and humor, the fourth film from Sherwood Pictures embraces God's promise to "turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers." Souls will be stirred, and hearts will be challenged to be ... courageous!
Read more here.
Through the lessons these men learn, I walked away having learned some things and I'm definitely not a father! The usual hilarious scenes are there {some where you nearly fall over it's soooo funny!}, but this one is more moving and powerful than any of their other movies so far. Bring kleenex's to the theatre for sure!!!
No matter where you're at in life, or what your relationship was/is like with your own father, this is a movie you won't want to miss. It is an incredibly powerful, convicting, Christ-honoring, Gospel-presenting, funny, tearful, delightful, very well-done movie that will surely impact generations to come. We highly, highly recommend everyone go see it! We loved, loved, loved it!
The opening weekend box office numbers are in, here's the scoop. For more good stuff, and more cohesive thoughts in a much better way than I could ever say them, check out Trevin Wax's thoughts here.
Watch part of the powerful opening scene here:
And the I-can't-stop-watching-or-listening-to-it music video {although sadly this song is only a part of the final credits in the movie}:
*To be clear, I did not receive any compensation for this review, nor did anyone ask me to write it, I just loved it so much I wanted to share!*
Bless you. I have been living with Fibro for about 12 years. So many people do not understand and at times I don't understand and become frustrated. I thank God I have a loving family and a close relationship with God. At times that is all that I have to hold on to.
My X-wife toke me on a saturday to watch this movie, it was not only amazing, but a bless in to my life. I have renew my votes not only with God, but with my self and my family to always look out to my family as God dose with me.
I just wish I had the opportunity of meeting my father but I am 44 years old and never did. I will make sure I become a good father to my next generation.
God bless you all
So here's the thing. I liked the idea of Fireproof, but the acting was horrendous. If the acting is as amateur in this one, I know I won't like it. So what's the story about that?
I know that sometimes the acting isn't at the same level as the hollywood actors but I think the message the movie is trying to convey is so worth watching. I also think that the more movies they make the better they get. My husband and I love Sherwood for sharing the love of God and people through their movies.
Thanks!! Will definitely go!
I loved the movie as well. I'm happy to have stumbled upon your blog. I too am a Christian and have Fibro. We have some things in common. Look forward to following your blog. =)
Rose & Melissa - thanks for visiting, I hope you come back and we can get to know each other & help each other through the Fibro craziness. Keep trusting in and resting in God, he will carry you through!
Loco - so glad to hear this, praise the Lord!!! Thank you for sharing.
Blueviolet - I know, I totally understand. I'll send you a separate email with more details, but basically the church does the production and with limited resources (esp at the beginning), so all the actors (according to my understanding) are volunteers (church members and staff). I think this one was the best-acted by far, but there were still a couple scenes where it was evident they aren't seasoned professionals. Still... better than sooo many other smaller Christian movies out there (the ones that sometimes don't make it to the big screen)!
Heather - thanks for visiting! Sherwood is truly great!!
Rachel - glad to hear it! Call me if you need a sitter. :)
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