Monday, July 21, 2008

More from the weekend

I wanted to share a little more from yesterday's concert...

When they were done with their third song, the lead singer for Mercy Me announced that he was out of breath. Then he said "Yeah, I found out on Friday that I have pneumonia. Isn't that just awesome?!" [paraphrased] ::::crowd gasps:::: He sang the rest of their hour and did a fabulous job singing all of the fan favorites. I was disappointed that I didn't get to hear 2 of David Crowder's songs, but what can you expect from only 40 minutes or so? We are hoping to see them in a full concert when they're back in the area in November.

At the concert they were helping spread the word about Compassion International, and we both felt more convicted than ever to sponsor a child. So we did. Please pray as we enter this endeavor and aim to make a difference in the life of a child whom we will never meet. If you are able to commit to $32 a month, I encourage you to make the same commitment. This is just one way we can help others in need across the globe.

I forgot to mention that I've joined the ranks of our "hurt toe/foot club" at work. ;o) (Not really a club, just kidding... but the coworkers in the cubicles on each side of me have had hurt toes/feet in the past couple of months.) It isn't nearly as bad of a story as theirs was, but it still really hurts! It's of my own sheer stupidity and I think I was just trimming the nail too close to the edge and it started bleeding. I really hope it's not infected, but it hurts a ton. I think my pain threshold has gotten stronger, but I'm having trouble sleeping because it hurts so much... so that does make me wonder....

Wow, I just saw this video on the news about a guy having a cup of coffee at a diner in South Carolina and he was hit by a car that ran through the window, and it pushed him from one side of the diner up against the counter... and he walked away with hardly any injuries!! Wow. That is amazing.

Make sure you avoid any fresh jalapeno peppers for a while! I just heard that they were traced back to a place in Texas (the same town one of my hubby's coworkers just moved to!) - so be careful and avoid those until given the all clear. It's not tomatoes after all!!!! Yippee! I tell you what, a Jimmy John's sandwich is NOT the same without the tomatoes. I'm very glad to have tomatoes safely back. [But it also makes me even more thankful for the luxury of having such quick access to a variety of foods, and never going hungry unless by concious choice.]

Yesterday I got to see first-hand that the Baker's Square near my church is still open! Whew!! (See a previous post on this.)

We just caught up on HGTV's Design Star and The Next Food Network Star (we recorded them while we were gone last night). It was quite a surprise ending to NFNS!! If you have not seen it yet, you've got to check it out! I think it's a terrific reality show, that helps make someone's dream come true and be a chef on TV.

Please continue praying for the ESV Study Bible team... they worked so hard today to get the disk out to the printer, and I think they made it! I'll find out for sure tomorrow. It is veryyyyy exciting to enter the next phase of this process. And make sure you get your copy of James MacDonald's new book coming out in September. If you order by the end of July, it's only $12!! Go to now.

Well, I guess that's enough needless rambling for now...

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